Brand Clarity Creates Certainty

Define Your Authentic Brand In The July Group Brand Intensive

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Mission-Driven Coaches and Entrepreneurs

Trade your overwhelm and confusion for clarity and confidence, as we guide you through our collaborative, strategic, done-with-you, brand-building process, so that you are authentically packaged and totally ready to bring your truth and genius to the world!

We can help you create your mission-driven business if you’re feeling:

Overwhelmed and not knowing where to start
Confused about who you are and what you should offer
Apprehensive if what you have to offer has any value
Unsure of how to simplify your business ideas so they're ready to market
DIY burnout as a result of trying to be the designer or copywriter you’re not
Unwilling to wait any longer to get the results you need now

“Stephen takes the time to really understand who you are and what your gifts are. He shows up authentically to each session to be in true service of defining your brand. I left with a brand that feels like me and that I am excited to share with the world.”

Jennifer Klatt  |  Executive Coach  |  Intentional You  |  Saskatchewan, Canada

Make 2024 your year to get professionally packaged and in the best position to market yourself successfully, by gaining Brand Clarity and creating your Authentic Brand

Achieve It Fast and Easy
Join the July Group Brand Intensive!

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What we’ll create together during the Four-Day Group Brand Intensive:


Vision Statement
Brand Statement
Tone & Voice
Ideal Client Persona
Your Story


Color Palette
Font Family
Photography Style 
Iconography Style 
Design Guidelines

July 9th, 16th, 23rd, & 30th
10am to 4pm Eastern

Max of 5 Spots in the Group!

Enrollment Closes July 2nd!

Secure My Spot!

“I'm blown away by what we were able to accomplish. I saved time and money, which is invaluable. Steve is a creative genius and a person of integrity. 100% recommend."

Jenifer Trevelli  |  Educator & Founder  |  WiseMind Ed  |  Salem, OR

Bonus #1

One-to-One, 45-Min, Lead-Generation Strategy Session

On a separate day of your choice, after the Group Intensive, we’ll spend 45-minutes together, One-to-One, reviewing proven Lead-Generation principles, and determining which ones you can implement immediately!

Bonus #2

Social Media Profile Alignment with Your New Brand

We’ll show you how to leverage your new Verbal Story Brand elements across your various Social Media Profiles. How to use Your Story and Your Brand Statement in your “About” sections and more!

Bonus #3

Brand-Infused Templates for Social Media

We’ll show you how to access and use the tools we use to create Social Media Posts, and how to design with your new Visual Story Brand elements for those spaces!

Bonus #4

AI Prompt Frameworks

We’ll share with you different frameworks for how to prompt Chat GPT 4 to create your own Social Media Content Calendars for an entire month’s worth of content!

“I can’t explain how amazing the intensive experience was for me. I was literally moved to tears to see how it all came together.When it came to the copy, Kimm captured my voice and conveyed exactly what I intended. If you have an opportunity to work with Stephen and Kimm, I would highly recommend. They take the time to get to know you and your business. If you want something customized to fit who you are, this is the way to go.”

Shelyna Brown  |  Transformation Coach  |  Preside  |  San Francisco, CA

Brand Clarity Creates Certainty

Price — $2,997

That’s a $500 Savings Off the Regular Price of $3,497

Let’s work together to Define Your Authentic Brand In The July Group Brand Intensive!

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